Saturday, March 12, 2016

Make me do it Annastacia

Bob Manning had no hesitation in removing fluoride from the Cairns water supply in 2013. He showed no concerns for the dental hygiene of Cairns children, didn't look at the evidence from Townsville and Mareeba, who've had it for decades, and didn't bother consulting with anyone.

Now the Cairns Post is on to it (thanks Daniel Bateman for your common sense), and Manning and mayoral contender, Jim Brooks, were asked if they will re-introduce fluoride.

Jim Brooks says he supports it and will consult with residents. What does Manning say? "I'll lobby the State government to force me to do it." Unbelievable!  "Make me Anna. I made the decision to take it out but I can't make a decision to put it in again."


  1. Absolute rubbish.

    "The efficacy of water fluoridation is modest. In other words the ability of fluoride to reduce or prevent dental decay is limited. In a 2009 New Zealand Oral Health Survey which noted that in 2008, for all of New Zealand, the 5-year-olds in fluoridated areas had a percentage caries-free rate of 58.7% compared to the rate of 55.0% for those in non-fluoridated areas. However, the 2011 figures show little difference, with the rate for fluoridated areas being 59.91% and that for non-fluoridated areas being 59.18%.

    Medical treatments require informed consent, the adjustment of the dose to the needs of the individual and their response to treatment, and stopping the treatment if side-effects occur.

    Although the level of fluoride in water can be controlled, the dose consumed by an individual cannot be, as it varies with the amount of water consumed."

    Please tell me if you would agree to fine smokers for smoking, jail people for drinking alcohol, demand obese people go on a diet? No, why not? all those habits cause expense on our medical care, which is your main argument for putting fluoride in the water. It would be exactly the same as demanding that everyone take a medication in their water. You have no right to force people to take it. Fluoridation of water that is ingested has little effect on protecting teeth. If you are so concerned about peoples teeth, then why don't you campaign for people to brush their teeth?

    Why are people so hot on this issue to impose their will on others in an unsubstantiated science?

  2. The flouride was put in the water to help fight against dental diseases which are a great impost on the health budget,and also acting on recommendations from oral health experts.If my car is not going properly i take it to a mechanic and accept his advice,i certainly don't head toWikipedia and troll the information until i find an opinion that suits me

    1. Its not trolled from Wikipedia the report comes from the NZ health department. A government department who's tests wernt bought by the fluoride manufacturing company's such as the ones that promote putting fluoride in water. Do your research before you cast your opinions as if they are facts.

      But regardless of the reports, why is it only fluoride that you feel should be forced on us, if your concern is our national health budget? Why is it you don't fight to stop people smoking, or drinking or becoming fat? Those health issues outstrip a few fillings by billions, why aren't you concerned about them? Why do people feel they have to impose fluoride on everyone when a lack of brushing your teeth and bad eating habits is what is causing dental decay, not a lack of fluoride.
